Is There Such A Thing As "Divine Timing"?
There's a kind of fatalistic viewpoint, that things happen in 'divine timing', it's along the lines of whether something is 'God's Will'.
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The "good" part of that perspective is that it can get you out of effort or trying to hard to make something happen. When you're working on manifesting into the physical, effort can have the opposite effect - it can keep it from happening. Which is why often things materialize when you least expect them, or when you've stopped trying.
It's also useful to let go of 'how' you're going to manifest something, along with 'when' it's going to materialize. Turning that over, allows you to keep your focus on 'what' you want to bring into form.
The part of you that wants to control things down to minutiae, isn't Consciousness. It's your body-personality aspect.
When you desire something, as Consciousness you already have it. It already exists. You just need to step into the Universe where it is. Or, you just need to shift your energy to receiving it.
"But what about the timing? I want it NOW!" Body-personality says.
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